Welcome back.

Returning to work
Don’t just show up—you must report
your return to work date to Sedgwick
to avoid affecting your pay and
your system access.

Same job as before?
Learn if your old job is guaranteed
when you come back.

Making changes
If you need modifications to your
job when you return, we may be able
to accommodate you.
As you get ready for your return to work, here’s what you need to do:
To make sure you can get paid and that you have access to the systems needed for your job, contact Sedgwick up to four days before the return-to-work date you’ve reported to confirm your plans. You can visit mySedgwick.com or call 800-492-5678. If you agreed to receive text messages, you’ll also get reminders seven days and two days before your scheduled date, asking you to confirm or change it if needed.
If you’re on an approved Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave and you return within 12 weeks, you may return to either the position you had or a similar position with the same pay and benefits. Sedgwick will track your remaining days of job protection, and you can check yourself on mySedgwick.com. The rules for job-protected leave vary in some states, so ask Sedgwick about the details in yours.
If you return to work from a leave that is not job protected, you are not entitled to your former position. You may search for and apply for open positions. If there is no available position, you will remain in an inactive status for up to 30 days while you continue your search. If you have not obtained another position at the end of your 30-day job search period, your employment will be terminated; however, you may reapply for employment at any time. If you have any questions, your People Partner and Manager are available to help.
In some cases, your medical provider may release you to work with medical restrictions, such as limited lifting or standing. Sedgwick will work with you, your provider, and your facility to see if a job adjustment or an accommodation can help you do your job. Here’s what you’ll need to do:
- Ask your medical provider to describe these restrictions on your return-to-work certification. You can find the return to work certification form in your initial leave packet and on mySedgwick.com.
- Upload your completed form to mySedgwick.com, email it to WalmartForms@Sedgwicksir.com, or fax it to 859-264-4372 or 859-280-3270.
If you’re unable to perform the essential job functions of your previous position, either with or without a reasonable accommodation, your leave may be extended, or you may be offered reassignment to another position.
More resources
Need help?

For benefits help call People Services at 800-421-1362.
Mon.–Fri. 7 a.m.–7 p.m. (CT), Sat. 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. (CT).