Associates from around the world gathered for the Walmart International Celebration.
Every day, associates around the world do the Walmart cheer. It sounds different in each country — the customer is #1 in the U.S., while in Mexico, la clienta is #1. But whether associates say, “it’s my Walmart,” “es mi Walmart,” or say it in a different language, they are all part of the same Walmart family. And each day, they bring their superpowers to work.

“Superpowered by Walmart” was the theme for this year’s International Celebration, which highlighted the enormous impact international associates make — both in the company and within their own communities. More than 1,000 associates attended the event in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
They represented over 500,000 associates from 19 countries, including Mexico and Central America, Chile, nine African nations, India, Canada and — for the first time in four years! — China.

“This is my first time to be here in person at Associates Week,” Christina Zhu, CEO of Walmart China, told associates. “I was not sure what to expect. People told me it was going to be emotional, exciting, crazy and loud. And they are all correct.”
Worth every mile to be together
Altogether, the associates traveled more than half a million miles to get to Northwest Arkansas! And, as Walmart International CEO Judith McKenna promised, every mile was worth it.
“This week may change your life,” Judith said. “You’ll learn more about one of the most special businesses on Earth. You’ll build new friendships that will last a lifetime. And I think you’ll fall just a little bit more in love with Walmart.”
Walmart CEO Doug McMillon (pictured below) echoed Judith’s remarks. “We want you to meet your fellow associates from around the world and know that you are part of something bigger than what you may get to see every day,” Doug said.

Throughout the meeting, leaders reminded the associates of one thing: We’re more alike than we’re different. Across the world, associates are helping customers save money and live better, and they’re doing so while practicing the company’s values: respect for the individual, act with integrity, service to customers and strive for excellence.
“Walmart today looks different than it did a year ago and very different than it did when [Sam Walton] stated our purpose,” Doug said. “But our cornerstones remain unchanged, because they are significant and effective.”

Joining forces for a superpowered impact
What happens when associates from around the world join forces? They make a superpowered impact! Omer Tore (pictured above), CFO of Walmart International, celebrated the business’s growth this year, including increasing sales by 9% and achieving $105B in sales. No matter where they live, associates are serving customers in the way they want to shop. Way to go!
Business aside, the meeting also brought the party. Leaders, associates and entertainers from around the world — including an incredible dance team from China — took the stage to celebrate with associates. Most notably: a leadership karaoke game, where executives from each country serenaded the audience. (Judith even surprised the crowd by singing Katy Perry’s “Roar!”)

Judith wrapped up the meeting by sharing the Walmart International strategy: “strong local businesses, powered by Walmart.” The last part, “powered by,” is what makes Walmart International unique, she said.
“It’s the competitive advantage of being part of Walmart,” Judith said. “No one else can do what we do together.”
Follow along all week on Workplace, Walmart World social accounts and don’t forget to follow our event hashtag at #WMT2023. You can also read more about all things Associates Week right here!