With the help of a new associate benefit, Tyler Welch takes on a next role: Dad.
Once upon a time, two teens named Tyler and Chelsea met and fell in love. When they married about 6 years ago, they were excited to start a family

“Seeing the type of person he is, seeing him with our friends’ kids, our niece and nephew — that’s what we wanted. I wanted to see him be a dad,” says Chelsea of Tyler, a store lead at Walmart Store 569 in Columbia, Kentucky.
Unfortunately, their path to parenthood didn’t go the way they hoped. Instead, Tyler and Chelsea Welch faced an emotional journey through fertility issues.
After years of doctors, tests, shots, blood draws and difficult emotions, the answer was clear: They needed in vitro fertilization (IVF) to have a baby. It cost around $26,000 out-of-pocket — and their insurance didn’t cover it. That news hit hard.

“We were ready to do whatever it took,” Tyler shares. They weren’t giving up on their dream of having a baby. So they started saving every penny for IVF.
A life-changing Walmart medical benefit
Then one day at work, Tyler received life-changing news. His store manager, Shaunda Soverly, shared a new benefit for Walmart associates: fertility and family-building services through Kindbody.
“I took a photo of the email and sent it to Chelsea,” Tyler recalls. Chelsea got on the phone immediately to learn more about Kindbody, which provides associates access to state-of-the-art fertility treatments, including intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), egg freezing and donor services.
And suddenly, parenthood seemed a little more possible. Soon, Chelsea started self-injections to prepare her body for IVF. “We were at our lowest low, thinking it might never happen,” Chelsea says. “Then, all of a sudden, it was actually happening!”
Walmart support during IVF
As the couple juggled medical appointments and out-of-state procedures, the team at Store 569 supported Tyler like any family would.
“I feel extremely grateful to have our store as a family. They have my back; I have their back,” Tyler says. “I was grateful to have a support system within the store as well as the whole company.”

IVF success isn’t guaranteed. But after weeks of injections, procedures and sleepless nights, Tyler and Chelsea got the best possible news: Chelsea was pregnant! Their baby boy is due in October 2023.
“We’ve wanted a child for so long! I’m excited for every part of it,” Tyler shares. “The long nights, early mornings, taking them to school, sports — all of it. I'm thrilled!”
Gratitude for a path to parenthood
Tyler and Chelsea are in good company: As of April 2023, more than 1,300 associates have taken advantage of Walmart’s fertility benefit since it was added to the medical plan in 2022.
“To Walmart, I want to say thank you for adding this benefit to help families like me and Chelsea to grow,” Tyler says. “We're super grateful for the opportunity.” A glowing Chelsea agrees: “We get to do this! We get to be Mom and Dad!”
We’re wishing Tyler and Chelsea their happily ever after!
To learn more about our family-building benefits, visit One.Walmart.com/familybuilding.