Get an inside look into the team that provides supplies when people need them most.

When hurricanes, tornadoes or floods strike, Walmart is there to help. In fact, Walmart’s Disaster Relief Team is often one of the first to bring supplies to people who have lost everything.
Walmart driver JB Quarles is part of that team.
“I started in 2017 in Texas after Hurricane Harvey,” he recalls. He has since delivered water, supplies and hot meals to disaster victims across the Southeast. “It’s unbelievable how grateful they are to see us. Kids even color pictures for us as a thank you.”
In September 2022, Walmart’s Mobile Kitchen cooked a whopping 84,614 hot meals for the community of Fort Myers, Florida, after Hurricane Ian.
“One woman we served hadn’t eaten a hot meal in a week and a half,” JB says. “It’s heartbreaking to see the devastation and what it does to families.”

When JB helped Walmart bring relief to Eastern Kentucky after floods in July 2022, he connected with the community. “We prayed together,” he shares. “They’re good people. It feels great to be part of the company that brought help when they needed it most.”
JB even stopped in Kentucky on his way to the 2023 National Truck Driving Championships to visit the folks he met last summer.
He also enjoys the other ways that Walmart supports local communities — including Samaritan’s Feet and Walmart Heart. “That's what I love to do: Give back,” JB explains. “Walmart provides a lot of great ways to do that.”